1. Don't eat the frog: Don't start your day with the most challenging task, rather start with one which is important & takes less time, and less effort comparatively: this will give adrenaline/a sense of success to attack the more significantly bigger task
2. Make a list: A classic to-do list gives you visibility on the task at hand & enables you to plan your day effectively. in my experience, this is one simplest most effective tools to drive productivity
3. One thing at a time: Don't multi-task unless you are superhuman! - multitasking is a recipe for being stuck on multiple fronts. focus on one task at a time, do one and go to the next.
4. Use the 'Promodoro' timer: Set small goals for 25 minutes of work, give a designated break to your monkey mind to wander for 5 minutes, and then again come back & attack the next task for 25 minutes. (google Pomodoro timer)
5. Seek help: if you are stuck at something seek help - from your manager, teammate, friends or the internet, reaching out & seeking help also keeps a check on your ego 🙂
Till next time, Keep pushing the boundaries - you are a step from your next version!